You may have noticed there have been few posts filed under ‘totalcontent projects’ recently. totalcontent would like to assure you that we haven’t been idly throwing cards into a hat, stroking preposterously groomed poodles, or eating Belgian chocolates from pink heart-shaped boxes. Quite the contrary. We have been busting a gut on various long-term projects, and will give you the full lowdown in due course.
In the meantime, here’s a taster. Our second annual report for the Jersey-based law and fiduciary firm Bedell Group is nearing completion. We’re also steaming ahead with the 2009 Royal Mail Year Book (our fifth) and have already tackled early chapters on British Design Classics, Charles Darwin and Robbie Burns – we can tell you all about those as they are already in the public domain. We were also delighted to be offered a contract for a day’s work a week for the next six months by one of our favourite (though most secretive) clients, to develop exploratory verbal ideas and benchmark communications for the brand’s future strategic positioning. All exciting stuff.
New work. Book reviews. Ideas. Likes and gripes. The following blog is something of a random visual and written notebook brought to you by totalcontent. We’ll be covering a wide range of topics, from projects and prospects, to words and writing, to typography and technology, graphics and popular culture… and much more besides. Hope it tickles your fancy and feel free to have your say.