We imagine it’s a bit like speed dating. But certainly, this was one of the most curious - and fascinating - jobs we’ve ever done. Over the course of four days, Jim interviewed the entire staff at Exposure Communications. All 120 of them. The idea was to extract a personal ‘nugget’ of information that would appear on the back of their business cards, to give them a little twist. Some subjects were more forthcoming than others, but everyone had at least one quirky thing to say. Conversational letterheads and comp slips completed the stationery revamp. Here are a couple of our favourites:

‘I can’t stand people who don’t walk in straight lines’
‘Do I look like anyone else? Yes, my twin sister’
‘I chopped off the top of my finger and put it in a matchbox’
‘When I’m old, I’d like to be Miss Marple, solving the odd murder’


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