Most of the time, you complete a writing project and that’s the end of it, your words disappear off into the ether… but occasionally it’s good to know they’re out there actually doing the business for someone — quite literally.
Two brands we worked on a couple or so years ago fared well at this week’s DBA Effectiveness Awards. Chewits won a Silver in the Interactive & Digital category, while Bottle Green struck Gold in Packaging.
For Chewits, we’d helped Tayburn create an online personality for Chewie the Chewitsaurus (who doesn’t talk), by developing the voice of an invisible narrator based on 1950s-style radio serials and cartoons. It was a fun way of talking to Chewits fans about upcoming events and competitions without being too obviously brand-y about it. This contributed to the success of the brand’s Facebook page, which now has over 80,000 fans.
For Bottle Green, Ziggurat Brands commissioned us to write all the labels for their revamped range of cordials and pressés. We hope our suitably fresh, flowery writing played at least a small part in helping overall annual sales grow from £7.9m in December 2007 to £14.2m by December 2010 (up 79.7%).
While we may hanker after the creative kudos of a D&AD pencil, recognition in the DBA Effectiveness Awards gives you the quiet satisfaction of knowing your work is out there doing what it’s supposed to do.
New work. Book reviews. Ideas. Likes and gripes. The following blog is something of a random visual and written notebook brought to you by totalcontent. We’ll be covering a wide range of topics, from projects and prospects, to words and writing, to typography and technology, graphics and popular culture… and much more besides. Hope it tickles your fancy and feel free to have your say.
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